Referring to Shivshankar Singh v. State of Bihar (2012) 1 SCC 130, this court observed that it is evident that the law does not prohibit filing or entertaining of the second complaint even on the same facts provided the earlier complaint has been decided on the basis of insufficient material or the order has been passed without understanding the nature of the complaint or the complete facts could not be placed before the court or where the complainant came to know certain facts after disposal of the first complaint which could have tilted the balance in his favour. However, the second complaint would not be maintainable wherein the earlier complaint has been disposed of on full consideration of the case of the complainant on merit.
In the instant case, the core allegations remained the same. In the circumstances, the instant matter is completely covered by the decision of this court in Pramatha Nath Talukdar v. Saroj Ranjan Sarkar, (AIR 1962 SC 876 ) as explained in Jatinder Singh V. Ranjit Kaur ((2001) 2 SCC 570) and Poonam Chand Jain v. Fazru (( 2010) 2 SCC 631)
(2020) 5 SCC 378- Samta Naidu and Another v. State of Madhya Pradesh and Another.