Stage of framing of charge: Principles that must keep in mind by High Court while exercising jurisdiction under S. 482 at the stage of framing of charges. Held, High Court committed grave error in quashing charge sheet / entire criminal proceedings as there is ample material to show at least a prima facie case against the respondent. High Court was not conducting trial nor exercising jurisdiction as appellate court against order of conviction or acquittal. High Court at the stage of Sec 482 CrPC entered into appreciation of evidence and considered whether on the basis of evidence, accused is likely to be convicted or not, which is not permissible at all at this stage. Hence, impugned judgment and order passed by the High Court quashed and setaside and Magistrate directed to proceed with the case, in accordance with the law.
[Saranya v. Bharathi, (2021) 8 SCC 583]