Fixation of notional income of Rs 15,000 p.a. under Sch. II for computing compensation in this case of non-earning family member (minor aged 7 yrs), held, unjust and unreasonable due to of higher cost of living since 1994 when Rs 15,000 was fixed as the notional income under Sch. II for non-earning members. It is deemed appropriate to take notional income of the deceased at Rs 25000 p.a. which is required to be multiplied by applicable multiplier of 15 as prescribed in Sch II to arrive at the amount of claim towards loss of dependency along with other entitlements. Though government is obliged to amend amount of notional income fixed in 1994 under Sch II, but despite repeated directions of Supreme Court, no such amendment made so far.

[Kurvan Ansari v. Shyam Kishore Murmu, (2022) 1 SCC 317]

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