Or. 1 Rr. 10,1,3 and 9 as to when principle of dominus litis inapplicable: The principle that the plaintiff is the dominus litis shall be applicable only in a case where parties sought to be added as defendants are necessary and / or proper parties and not if parties are not necessary and / or proper parties Para 37. ‘dominus litis’, cannot be compelled to fight against a person against whom he does not claim any relief.
Or. 6 R. 17: Amendment of suit is not permissible when the same changes the nature of suit. As per the settled proposition of law, if, by permitting the plaintiffs to amend the plaint including a prayer clause nature of the suit is likely to be changed, in that case, the court would not be justified in allowing the amendment. It would also result in misjoinder of cause of action. Para 36
[Asian Hotels (North) Ltd. v. Alok Kumar Lodha, (2022) 8 SCC 145]