There is primacy of orders of High Court over those of statutory tribunals in case of conflicting orders. Law declared by the High Court in the State is binding on authorities and tribunals under its superintendence and they cannot ignore it. Further, tribunals are subordinate to High Court insofar as the territorial jurisdiction of High Court is concerned. In case of conflicting orders passed by statutory tribunals and the High Court, it is the orders passed by the constitutional courts, which would prevail over the orders passed by the statutory tribunals. Resultantly, prayer of the appellant that when High Court of competent jurisdiction was already in seisin of the matter, the NGT could not have entained a lis with regard to the same cause of action, held acceptable and , thus, the impugned orders passed by the NGT held not sustainable and set aside. Para 11 to 21
[State of A.P. v. Raghu Ramakrishna Raju Kanumuru, (2022) 8 SCC 156]