Supreme Court judgment directing all trial courts and Magistrates to act independently of interim/interlocutory orders, even of High Court, in circumstances specified in the said Supreme Court judgment. In such a case, held, all Magistrates and trial courts in India must act in terms of the Supreme Court, in letter and spirit, without any further confirmation from the High Court concerned. Magistrates all over the country must be reminded that in our pyramidical structure under the Constitution, the Supreme Court is at the apex, and the High Courts, though not subordinate administratively, are certainly subordinate judicially. Magistrate in present case, held, erred in holding that complainant should move an application before the High Court to resume the trial. Whatever stay has been granted by any court including the High Court automatically expires within a period of six months, and unless extension is granted for good reason, as per our judgement, within the next months, the trial court is on the expiry of the first period of six months, to set a date for the trial and go ahead with the same. Para 3

[Asian Resurfacing of Road Agency (P) Ltd. v. CBI, (2022) 10 SCC 592]

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