Exercise of power under Art. 142 of the Constitution in this regard, whether warranted, determined. During the pendency of these proceedings, the sister of the injured-PW-2 has married the accused No. 3 (Guhan). The accused persons as well as the injured are all residents of the same locality. In order to bring peace and in order to live cordially, the present applications have been filed. The appellants have already undergone sentence of more than 18 months. In the peculiar facts and circumstances of this case, particularly when there is a marriage within the familes of the injured and the accused, we consider it a fit case wherein this Court could exercise its power under Article 142 of the Constitution of India. We, therefore, permit the parties to compound the offence. Para 4-5-6
[Guhan v. State, (2022) 10 SCC 542]