In this case, there was rejection of candidature of appellant solely on ground of his involvement in criminal case under S. 498-A IPC, in which he was subsequently acquitted. Held, neither there was any suppression of material fact on the part of the appellant nor he was convicted for any offence under the IPC. The alleged incident was of the year 2001 which resulted into acquittal in the year 2006 and he applied for the post of Constable in the year 2013/2014. Para 12

The respondent(s) are directed to appoint the appellant to the post of Constable, as otherwise, he was found to be meritorious and eligible for the post of Constable within a period of four weeks from today. However, it is observed that he shall be entitled to all the benefits from the date of actual appointment only. Para 15

[Pramod Singh Kirar v. State of M.P., (2023) 1 SCC 423]

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