Held, The fact remains that there was rape and murder of a 14 year old girl. The guilt of the appellant was proved beyond reasonable doubt on account of testimony of direct eye-witnesses. The sentence awarded by the High Court is life imprisonment for the whole of biological life of the appellant without any remission. Though notice was issued only to consider whether the appellant could be extended the benefit of remission, however, considering the severity of the offence committed by the appellant, we do not find any merit in that submission. However, still considering the fact that the Criminal Appeal No. 1100-1101 of 2023 appellant was 26 years of age when the offence was committed and there may be chances of his reformation, but still undue leniency in sentencing shakes public confidence in the criminal justice system, the deterrent effect may not be there. The rights of the victim and his family members are also to be considered. Keeping in view the totality of circumstances, the sentence of life imprisonment for the whole of the biological life of the appellant, without any benefit of remission deserves to be modified to the fixed term sentence for a period of 30 years without any benefit of remission so that prime period of his life is spent in jail. The appellant shall be released from jail only after undergoing full sentence of 30 years, excluding the period of imprisonment already undergone.
[Kashi Nath Singh v. State of Jharkhand, (2023) 7 SCC 317]