Principles clarified relating to applicability of fundamental principle while dealing with an objection as to lack of territorial jurisdiction to entertain writ petition on the ground that the cause of action has not arisen within its jurisdiction, namely, that High Court essentially has to arrive at a conclusion on the basis of the averments made in the petition memo treating the contents as true and correct.
In so determining, it is the substance of the matter that is relevant- It, therefore, follows that the party invoking the writ jurisdiction has to disclose that the integral facts pleaded in support of the cause of action do constitute a cause empowering the high court to decide the dispute and that, at least, a part of the cause of action to move the high court arose within its jurisdiction- Such pleaded facts must have a nexus with the subject matter of challenge based on which the prayer can be granted- Those facts which are not relevant or germane for grant of the prayer would not give rise to a cause of action conferring jurisdiction on the court.
Case Comment:
Even if a small part of the cause of action arises within the territorial jurisdiction of a high court, the same by itself could not have been a determinative factor compelling the High Court to keep the writ petitions alive against the appellant to decide the matter qua the impugned notification, on merit
[State of Goa v. Summit Online Trade Solutions (P) Ltd., (2023) 7 SCC 791]