The essence of the business model is to provide a fillip to the revenue generated by another arm of the business. This being the case, movie goers are bound by the condition of entry determined by the theatre owners in the instant case i.e., the prohibition on carrying food and beverages from outside into the precincts of the movie hall. Restriction on bringing food and beverages in theatres from outside is not unfair, unreasonable or unconscionable. (Para 30) – Whether or not to watch a movie is entirely within the choice of viewers. If viewers seek to enter a cinema hall, they must abide by the terms and conditions subject to which entry is granted. Having reserved the right of admission, it is open to theatre owners to determine whether food from outside the precincts of the cinema hall should be permitted to be carried inside (Para 27)

[K.C. Cinema v. State of J&K, (2023) 5 SCC 786]

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