The buyer having performed his part of contract and lawfully in possession acquires possessory title which is liable to be protected in view of S. 53-A TPA. Such possessory rights of the buyer cannot be invaded by the seller/transferor or any person claiming under him. Once seller parted with possession of suit property by putting buyer in possession of it under an agreement to sell, held, seller as such, ceased to be in possession of it as an owner.
[Ghanshyam v. Yogendra Rathi, (2023) 7 SCC 361]
Case Comment
Legally an agreement to sell may not be regarded as a transaction of sale or a document transferring the proprietary rights in an immovable property but the prospective purchaser having performed his part of the contract and lawfully in possession acquires possessory title which is liable to be protected in view of Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. The said possessory rights of the prospective purchaser cannot be invaded by the transferer or any person claiming under him
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