About Us

  • Advocate Raji Nathani has Versatile experience in the field of Class room Teaching, Training to young lawyers, Accounting, Taxation, Costing, Consulting, drafting legal petitions/ applications, Court litigation and rendering opinion on legal matters.
  • Practicing as a High Court Lawyer in the field of Taxation including writs and rendering legal opinion, Corporate, IPR, Contract, Property, criminal matters and Family Laws such as domestic Violence, maintenance and divorce. Working experience with Additional Solicitor general of India 
  • Practicing in NCLT for insolvency and winding up matters.
  • Served as the legal expert of drafting group of the High Level Committee formed by the MCA for amending Acts of the three professional Institutes-CAI, ICSI,ICOAI
  • Drafting of various contracts and agreements under corporate law and rendering of legal opinion on core issues.
  • Independent Director of Jayaswal Neco Industries Limited
  • Member of Internal Complaints Committee formed under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)Act2013 by the Institute of Cost Accountants of India
  • Member of the Grievance Committee of Insolvency Professional Agency of Institute of Cost Accountants of India
  • Member in Appellate Panel of ICMAI Registered Valuers Organisation under IBBI

Professional Memberships

  • Fellow of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountant of India 
  • Member of Delhi High Court Bar Association
  • Member of Bar council Of India 
  • Member of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal Bar Association
  • Member of Bar Council of Delhi


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