Awareness Series 5: (If that doesn’t get your thinking, we don’t know what will!)
Awareness Series 5 -If that doesn’t get your thinking, we don’t know what will!
Awareness Series 4: (Gold and Bank Locker Facts)
Awareness Series 4- Gold and Bank Locker Facts
Auditors under Sterner lens
Auditors under sterner lens- [2023] 151 40 (Article)
Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation – Sec 48 vs Sec 112
Legitimate expectation- 2023 150 327 (Article)
gatecrashing the residential premises in the garb of survey – when warranted
Survey of residential premises- [2023] 150 287 (Article)
Slip up in Proviso to Section 201(1) and Form 26A
2023 149 256 (Article) (00000002)