Grant of, by High Court under S. 482: It is permissible for High Court to pass an interim order under S. 482 CrPC of the nature impugned herein, in exceptional cases with caution and circumspection, giving at least brief reasons. What is not permissible is the tendency of the courts to pass blanket, cryptic, laconic, non-speaking orders reading merely “no coercive steps shall be adopted”. Held, it was completely wrong on the part of the petitioner to contend that the High Court was swayed by the pendency of civil writ proceedings. The High Court actually took note of the manner in which the color entire proceedings changed from February 2020 to February 2021 and it is in that background that the learned judge took note of the pendency of civil proceedings and overlapping of allegations. Held, in present case, the grant of such relief by the High Court was justified and granted in the proper manner with detailed reasons therefor. Para 25-27
[A.P. Mahesh Coop Urban bank Shareholders Welfare Assn. v. Ramesh Kumar Bung, (2021) 9 SCC 152]