Employer’s liability to pay compensation: Appellant driver of goods carrier meeting with serious accident resulting in his right upper limb above wrist joint being amputated consequent to which he losing his capacity to drive vehicle. Commissioner was justified in finding appellant’s disability at 100%. Para 9. Therefore, the impugned judgment cannot be sustained and will have to be set aside. Para 12. Contention raised before Supreme Court for the first time by respondent that it was not liable to pay compensation since appellant did not possess driving license to drive commercial goods carrier, not entertained. In absence of any challenge to impugned judgment by respondent assessing appellant’s disability as 70% partial permanent disability instead of 100% as found by Commissioner and hence, proportionately reducing amount of compensation, employer cannot dispute its liability to pay compensation since it was held liable by High Court.

[Arjun v. Iffco Tokio General Insurance Co. Ltd., (2022) 5 SCC 706]

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