Held, This elucidation of the law is unexceptionable. It is undeniable that an Executing Court can construe a decree if it is ambiguous. However, as in the facts of the case herein, this cannot result in additions (to the terms of the consent, embodied in the email dated 28.03.2019) which were not agreed upon by the parties, since the decree was drawn on by consent of both parties at admissions stage itself. Both the single judge and Division Bench of the High Court have interpreted the appellants’ silence (manifest in their not filing any written statement) as acquiescence to the inclusion of the loan amount, which, is although worthy of adverse inference, cannot be the reason to justify expansion of the decree. Thus, the appeals are allowed. The impugned judgment is set aside.

 [Sanwarlal Agrawal v. Ashok Kumar Kothari, (2023) 7 SCC 307]

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