Principles clarified relating to validity of rejection of application for setting aside of ex parte eviction decree on ground that amount towards further use and occupation of suit shop not deposited. Held, Apart from the above, where we find that the Trial Court and the High Court had taken too technical and impractical a view of the matter, there is another strong reason for which we are inclined to accept the prayer for setting aside the decree passed ex parte in this case. As noticed, in response to the queries of this Court, the appellants have immediately taken bonafide steps and have deposited the amount which may be relatable to rent/mesne profits until the month of April, 2023. For this bonafide and prompt step (albeit taken after approaching this Court), in our view, they do deserve an opportunity to contest the suit on merits, particularly when the matter relates to a shop where the predecessor of the appellants had been continuing as tenant and the plaintiff-respondent is seeking the decree for eviction only on the ground of default in payment of rent. Para 21
[Shyam Kumar Gupta v. Shubham Jain, (2023) 4 SCC 713]
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