Legality of refusal of application to file suit as indigent person, on ground of res judicata and lack of cause of action, determined. When having prima facie found that the plaint does not disclose any cause of action and the suit is barred by res judicata it cannot be said that the Trial Court committed any error in rejecting the application to sue as indigent persons – However, observations that the suit is barred by res judicata and/or on no cause of action shall be treated confine to deciding the application to sue as indigent person only. considering Order 33 Rule 15 CPC on refusing to allow to sue as an indigent person which may be a bar to any subsequent application of the like nature in respect of the same right to sue, the applicant shall be at liberty to institute a suit in the ordinary manner in respect of such right, therefore, taking into consideration Order 33 Rule 15A and Order 33 Rule 5 CPC, instead of remanding matter to the learned Trial Court to pass an appropriate order granting the appellants – original applicants time to pay the requisite court fee and now when the appellants have agreed to pay the requisite court fees, we grant further four weeks’ time to the appellants – original applicants to pay the requisite court fees and on payment of such court fees the suit shall be deemed to have been instituted on the date on which the application for permission to sue as an indigent person was presented. Paras 16-20

[Solomon Selvaraj v. Indirani Bhagawan Singh, (2023) 1 SCC 349]

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